Learning to Eat

OfficialLogo-WildFit-BlackonAlpha-3000x1809It’s week 7 of the Wildfit 90 Day Challenge and I am half way through. I knew that there would be challenging moments, after all I have been on my current diet or version there of for most of my life. It takes time to heal and trash bad habits. I don’t think that this has been as hard for me as for others perhaps, since I am traditionally a pretty clean eater. I can’t give away too much of the program because part of what makes it so successful is the fact that we are in the dark about the weekly changes until they reveal it to us every week. It was frustrating at first because I like to know the scope of things. I wanted to know what was coming down the pike so I could prepare myself. No such luck here. I signed up for a 90 day challenge to transform my health and I am prepared to follow the program through to the end.

What I didn’t expect was how much psychology was in play with this challenge. It has challenged me to look not only at my relationship with food, but my relationship with myself. I got back in line with my practice of box breathing and started a daily meditation practice. For me to give away the ‘secrets’ of this challenge wouldn’t be fair because so much of its success lies in the process that is Wildfit. Just suffice it to say that it is so much more than what you may think it is, and to top off the curriculum you don’t go through it alone. You are joined in a group with people from around the world. We share notes, recipes, and cheer each other on. I get to see what weekly food selections someone in Japan is making vs. someone from Israel or Norway. It’s so cool.

I’m half way through and I am feeling AMAZING. In fact my son came home from college this past weekend and took a double take. He said he didn’t recognize me at first. He said I looked 8 years younger. He said, “Mom, I am so proud of you! You look amazing. Keep going and don’t give up.” He even said that he was looking forward to the green shake (the Alkagizer) and lots of green leafy veggies while he was home. He watched me start this challenge and it’s amazing how much of it has filtered out to my kids even though they aren’t technically doing it.

It’s been challenging for me to broaden my culinary skills as I am learning a whole new way of eating. If I didn’t feel so good I would be resisting it perhaps, but I am not. How can I when I spring out of bed 5 minutes before my 6:30 alarm goes off every morning? My brain fog is gone. Yes, it is G.O.N.E. I have so much energy that I am now doing a daily yoga and meditation practice on top of my daily morning walk on the beach. I feel a pulse going through me that I’ve never felt before. Alas, guidance is key here.

The question I pose to you is this. How can you possibly level up your life in other areas if your nutrition is less than? Your health and well being is the foundation for everything else. Imagine if you could feel your very best and then set out to build onto that in all other aspects of your life? Wildfit is challenging me to live into my best self. It’s only been 7 weeks, but so far I am team Wildfit all the way!
xo ella

This is a Flaxseed ‘Tortilla’ that I now have added to my diet. It’s a simple process with simple ingredients. The best thing is that you can personalize it for your own liking. I use mostly golden flax seed meal. I add some dark flaxseed meal, chia seeds, and ground hemp hearts. I like to season mine with salt, pepper, cumin, and nutmeg. It’s a quick and easy process and you can use them as a wrap. It’s a nice way to get some “bread” into your meals and they honestly taste great. Perfect for those of you who are gluten free too.


This is something I tried for the first time today. It’s cauliflower hummus and it’s amazing! Basically you swap out the chic peas for roasted cauliflower. Simply roast a small head of cauliflower, add olive oil, tahini (I use Pepperwood Organic Stone Ground Tahini. You can buy it on Amazon), salt, pepper, garlic, and fresh squeezed lemon juice. Throw it into your food processor (It was a little tricky since my Vitamix is broken and I had to use my Ninja). I spread this on my Flax Seed wrap (above) to make a veggie wrap. Amazing.

If you would like recipes just ask and I will share them. Honestly I kinda like to wing it in the kitchen and learn from a little trial and error. More recipes to come in the upcoming weeks.

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